The Self-Improving AI Advantage with LocAI



  1. NeuralSpace can auto-generate scripts and translated subtitles using self-improving AI that’s finetuned on your data.

  2. Self-learning ensures quicker turnaround times and up to 50% cost savings versus manual methods.

  3. NeuralSpace cuts down the time to add subtitles from 12 hours for every hour of content, using manual methods, to just over 1 hour with AI.

The media and entertainment landscape is broad, spanning major TV networks to independent creators. As viewers around the world consume more international content, localizing for different markets becomes essential to tap into wider audiences and boost revenue. Fast and precise subtitling in multiple languages has moved from being an advantage to a must-have.

Subtitling content for global audiences is a significant hurdle. The traditional, manual approach to subtitling is precise but slow and requires considerable effort. This can delay the release of content, affecting how quickly shows and movies are available to viewers worldwide. However, AI-driven automation presents a solution to these challenges.

NeuralSpace streamlines the subtitling process by integrating Speech-to-Text (STT) and Machine Translation (MT) technologies. This advancement not only speeds up subtitle creation but also enhances efficiency and reduces costs. With NeuralSpace, the emphasis shifts to refining and approving subtitles, rather than creating them from scratch. NeuralSpace is redefining industry standards, enabling broader and more effective content distribution, keeping pace with rapid digital transformations.

The Self-Improving AI Edge: Making Every Word Count

Traditional subtitling tools are unable to adapt and evolve. They are designed to operate within fixed parameters and can’t advance over time. NeuralSpace breaks this mold with its self-learning AI, which leverages machine learning to continuously enhance the accuracy and reduce manual work over time of subtitle generation. This ability to learn from data, feedback, and evolving language nuances ensures that NeuralSpace not only meets the current requirements of broadcasters and language service providers (LSPs) but also grows and adapts with them, future-proofing their subtitling processes.

NeuralSpace's Self-learning Mechanism

The heart of LocAI's innovation lies in its advanced machine learning algorithms. These algorithms are designed to digest vast amounts of data, learn from user interactions, and refine their processes over time. This ongoing learning cycle means that with every piece of content subtitled, NeuralSpace gets better, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. For broadcasters and LSPs, this means that their back catalogs and scripts can be subtitled more accurately and in a fraction of the time, turning archival content into accessible and distributable assets with minimal effort.

The NeuralSpace self-learning process works as follows. See how it works:

  1. Automatically generate subtitles with NeuralSpace. The platform uses smart error detection to highlight instances where the subtitles deviate from your brand guidelines. 

    Example: The
    Netflix subtitling guidelines indicate that creators use two hyphens to indicate abrupt interruptions.

            -What are you--

           -[bomb explodes]

  • NeuralSpace can identify and highlight instances in which this guideline is not followed.

 NeuralSpace Subtitling Interface
  1. The project owner can then review the flagged error and tell the system how to correct it.

  2. The system logs this correction and stores it in its memory. NeuralSpace system is designed with a short-term memory feature that enables it to learn from the adjustments you make.

  3. Short-term memory is crucial in this process, allowing it to make improvements to the models transcription output, error identification and subtitle generation.
  1. We update your AI model after every 500 hours of processed content. This regular, milestone-based updating ensures the AI progressively refines its understanding of your unique requirements and content, enhancing its performance and accuracy over time.
Working of NeuralSpace's self-improving mechanism

Short-term memory transitions into long-term memory within the model, offering distinct advantages over alternative self-improvement methods. The primary function of short-term memory is to retain information temporarily to avoid repeating previously corrected errors. For instance, models undergo training once they have processed 500 hours of content, with subsequent training sessions scheduled at each 500-hour interval. 

The shift from static, rule-based subtitling to self-improving systems like NeuralSpace marks a significant shift in the localization industry. It's not just technological; it's strategic. It allows broadcasters and LSPs to reconsider their subtitling approach. Instead of being bogged down by the time-consuming task of manual subtitling, they can now focus on refining and perfecting the output, ensuring that the subtitles are not just accurate but also contextually appropriate.

Operational Efficiency: Time and Cost Savings Unlocked

The efficiency gains with NeuralSpace are significant. By automating subtitle generation and translation, NeuralSpace cuts subtitling turnaround time from around 12 hours (manual process) for every hour of multilingual content subtitled, to just over 1 hour. This dramatic reduction in time, coupled with the decrease in manual labor, translates into substantial cost savings, making high-quality subtitling both accessible and affordable.

In today's global content market, the ability to break language barriers is invaluable. NeuralSpace facilitates this by providing accurate translations in over 70 languages, empowering content creators to reach audiences worldwide. This global reach was once hindered by the need for native speaker talent and the high costs of manual translation. With NeuralSpace, these barriers are dismantled, allowing for seamless content distribution across linguistic boundaries.

Cost vs Time savings using NeuralSpace

Ethical Considerations in AI-driven Subtitling

The rise of AI in subtitling brings with it a host of ethical considerations, from data privacy to the authenticity of translated content. NeuralSpace addresses these concerns head-on, with robust security measures and compliance with international data privacy regulations. This commitment to ethical AI use ensures that users can trust NeuralSpace with their content, confident in the platform's integrity and respect for privacy.

Embrace the Future with NeuralSpace

Automation simplifies the localization process, making it faster and cheaper to subtitle content for streaming worldwide. It also allows teams to focus on the critical task of reviewing and approving subtitles, making their work more efficient.

NeuralSpace stands out as a wise choice for the future of making content available in different languages, thanks to its ability to self-improve, support multiple languages, and integrate with cloud storage systems easily. It's important for broadcasters and Language Service Providers (LSPs) to choose a system that not only works for them now but can also adapt and grow with future needs.

Choosing NeuralSpace means organizations can skip the complex task of building AI technology themselves and instead use a ready-to-go, expandable solution. This sets them up for success in a fast-moving and competitive media world.

Discover how NeuralSpace can enhance your content strategy and help you reach a wider audience. Contact our sales team at to find out more about NeuralSpace and how it can improve your approach to global content.

Visit our website to learn more.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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