We speak the worlds

We speak the world's


Accessible, secure and accurate language AI available in more than 100+ languages and locally-spoken dialects.

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Delivering the social and economic potential of AI to over 6 billion people worldwide

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in 100+ languages

Backed by leading, global investors

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and supported by our people.

We're system builders, problem-solvers and product crafters. Together, we're exploring what’s possible in language AI.

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Our founders

Ayushman Dash
CEO and Founder

Ayushman Dash hails from Odisha, India, a place rich with linguistic diversity. Witnessing the challenges people face when accessing technology in their native language fueled his passion for dissolving these barriers. Now, as CEO of NeuralSpace, Ayushman leads with an innovative blend of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and a keen sensitivity towards the linguistic needs of global communities. His scientific contributions span topics in Natural Language Understanding, Generative AI, Machine Reasoning, and LLMs.

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Shubham Gupta

Shubham Gupta, an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur, brings over seven years of extensive experience in the AI ecosystem. With a deep-rooted passion for innovation, Shubham has been instrumental in leveraging AI technologies across diverse domains including image, speech, and text processing. As CTO, Shubham leads our technological vision, driving innovation and ensuring that our solutions remain at the forefront of the industry.

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