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Why Going Global Without AI Localization is Like Driving Without a GPS

Ayushman Dash
Ayushman Dash
Why Going Global Without AI Localization is Like Driving Without a GPS

Today broadcasting and media companies no longer want to be confined by borders. Audiences across the globe are hungry for diverse content, from Korean dramas to Scandinavian noir series. This growing trend is evident: in 2020, Netflix reported that over 60% of its subscribers watched foreign-language content, and the popularity of non-English content on the platform has been growing ever since. Similarly, streaming services like Amazon Prime and Disney+ have seen significant viewership for international shows and films.

Viewers not only expect access to content from around the world, but they also expect it to be presented in their native language, with cultural nuances that make it relatable and enjoyable. This expectation has set a high bar for media companies, pushing them to deliver localized content at a faster pace and on a larger scale than ever before.

However, the traditional approach to localization is fraught with challenges. 

The stakes are high. Media companies that fail to efficiently localize their content may find themselves losing out to competitors who are quicker to market with high-quality localized offerings. The audience's appetite for fresh, diverse content shows no signs of waning, and those who cannot keep up risk becoming irrelevant.

Attempting to go global without leveraging AI-powered localization tools is like trying to navigate unfamiliar terrain without a GPS. It’s inefficient, time-consuming, and costly. Just as a GPS helps travelers find the quickest and most efficient routes to their destinations, AI-powered localization tools streamline the process of adapting content for different markets. Without these tools, media companies risk falling behind in a highly competitive industry, unable to meet the rapid pace of global demand.

The Global Demand for Localized Content

The appetite for global content is insatiable. Consider the immense popularity of Spanish series like "Money Heist," which found fans all over the world thanks to effective localization. Similarly, Bollywood movies have garnered massive international followings, partly due to subtitles and dubbing in various languages. In the world of anime, shows like "Attack on Titan" and "Naruto" have captivated audiences far beyond Japan, thanks to subtitled and dubbed versions.

These examples underscore a clear trend: audiences are eager to explore stories from different cultures, but they need those stories to be accessible. This accessibility hinges on localization—making content understandable and relatable to different linguistic and cultural audiences.

The Challenge of Manual Localization

Manually translating scripts, creating subtitles, and dubbing voices is a painstakingly slow process. It requires a significant investment of time and resources, often involving large teams of translators, voice actors, and editors. For a single piece of content, this can mean hundreds of hours of work. When you multiply this effort across an entire library of content, the scale of the task becomes overwhelming.

Moreover, manual localization processes are prone to errors and inconsistencies. Human translators might miss cultural nuances, leading to translations that don't resonate with local audiences. Subtitling and dubbing done manually can result in mismatched audio and visuals, which can detract from the viewer's experience. In a world where viewers have endless options at their fingertips, even minor issues can lead to disengagement and a loss of viewership.

Not only is manual localization resource-draining, but it also struggles to keep pace with the growing demand for new content. As viewers clamor for the latest shows and movies, media companies need to be agile. This is where AI comes into play.

AI in Content Localization

By automating and enhancing various aspects of the localization process, AI tools are making it faster, more efficient, and more accurate. Here’s how AI is revolutionizing key areas of content localization:

AI Subtitling

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies can generate subtitles quickly and accurately. This speeds up the process significantly compared to manual transcription and translation of content.

AI Dubbing

Advanced AI can generate natural-sounding voices in multiple languages, reducing the need for human voice actors. This not only cuts costs but also accelerates the dubbing process.

Language Translation

AI translation models can handle numerous languages with a high degree of accuracy. While human translators are still essential for nuances and context, AI can handle the bulk of the work, allowing humans to focus on fine-tuning.

AI Driven Content Ideation 

AI can do more than just localize content—it can generate fresh ideas and scripts tailored to global audiences. By analyzing trends, viewer preferences, and cultural nuances, AI can suggest innovative content that resonates on an international scale. Unlike traditional methods, AI is not limited in its capabilities and can adapt to any creative vision you have in mind. Whether you want to create a new drama series, a documentary, or a comedy show, AI tools can help you brainstorm and develop compelling scripts that engage and captivate viewers worldwide. This ensures media companies stay ahead of the curve, constantly offering content that appeals to diverse audiences.

LocAI by NeuralSpace

LocAI, NeuralSpace’s localization platform, brings all these AI-powered tools together in one place. It’s designed specifically for media and broadcast companies looking to streamline their localization processes and scale their global reach. 

Here’s how LocAI stands out:

Integrated Workflow

LocAI offers a seamless all in one workflow for subtitling, dubbing, and translation, making it easy for teams to collaborate and manage projects.

Advanced Analytics

With powerful analytics features, LocAI allows companies to measure their localization progress and make data-driven strategic decisions. 

Learn more about NeuralSpace's Analytics Features

Collaboration Tools

LocAI simplifies the process for teams to work together, with tools for assigning tasks, tracking progress, and ensuring quality control. This collaborative environment ensures that projects are completed efficiently and to the highest standard.

Self-Learning AI

LocAI leverages self-learning AI to deliver improved results over time. As the system processes more content, it continuously learns and refines its algorithms, resulting in more accurate translations, better subtitling, and more natural-sounding dubbing. This ongoing improvement ensures that media companies always benefit from the latest advancements in AI technology, enhancing the quality and efficiency of their localization efforts.

Content Creation Lifecycle

LocAI supports every stage of the content creation lifecycle, from ideation to distribution. The process includes ideation, production, post-production, localization, and distribution. Localization, especially subtitling plays a crucial role by providing annotated data that acts as a gold mine for AI model training. This data feeds into every part of the content creation lifecycle, enhancing the capabilities of AI in various areas such as auto-editing, metadata creation, idea generation, character generation, and even specific elements like hairstyles. By integrating these AI-driven insights and enhancements, LocAI ensures a more efficient and creative content creation process, allowing media companies to innovate and produce high-quality content consistently.

To recap, the global demand for localized content is growing at an unprecedented rate. Media and broadcast companies need to leverage AI-powered localization tools to keep up with this demand. Without these tools, the process is like driving without a GPS—inefficient and unsustainable.

LocAI by NeuralSpace offers a comprehensive solution, integrating AI-driven subtitling, dubbing, translation, and advanced analytics to help media companies navigate the global market with ease. Embrace AI localization and steer your content towards a truly global audience.

Book a free consultation with our experts to see  what wonders AI localization can do for your enterprise. 

Key Resources:

Turnaround Time: Manual Localization VS AI Localization

ABS-CBN doubles Localization Speed with LocAI

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